Archives for 5.8.08

gbcvic sermons 5.4.08

My family and I were in Greenville, SC, last Saturday for the graduation of my daughter from BJU. On Sunday, I preached at Faith Baptist Church in Linville, NC, pastored by my son’s father-in-law, my friend Brad Calhoun.

I repeated my message from Feb 3 concerning The Ministry of Christians to One Another and taught a lesson condensing our recent two part study on the nature of Christian fellowship. I also preached a new message based on the study of fellowship entitled “Partners Together with God” (audio not available).

We had a blessed time in this mountain church. The people of the church greeted us warmly and are faithfully working to build up a testimony for the Lord in a small mountain community.

In the meantime, back in Victoria, our pulpit was very ably supplied by Pastor Tom Nieman, retired pastor from Kent, WA. Pastor Nieman is a stalwart in the Northwest, a key leader among the FBF men in our area. I very much appreciate his ministry. The first message he preached for our people was one I heard him preach at our FBF meeting in February. I requested that he preach it again here. The links and summaries follow, although I think I need to edit the audio for volume (a little experimentation with our new digital recording software is in order).

The Glory of God

In our pastor’s absence, Tom Nieman, retired former pastor of Galilee Baptist Church, Kent, WA, filled our pulpit.

This message is a masterful survey of the theme of God’s glory through the Scriptures. It is well worth your consideration and meditation. May the glory of the Lord truly come!

The Bible Jesus Knew and Used

Pastor Nieman continues as our pulpit supply today. This message is a discussion of the authority of men vs. the authority of the Word of God.

How Much we Have in Christ (Eph 3.17-18)

Pastor Tom Nieman continues in pulpit supply with a message concerning our riches in Jesus Christ.


I’ll have a few more posts shortly. I saw several interesting things in my last week of travels that I’d like to point out to you all. But now it is off to a Bible study on our first day home.
