Archives for 8.17.08

8.17.98 gbcvic sermons

Here are the links for the latest sermons in our ministry at Grace Baptist Church of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

The Moral Man’s Treasure (Rm 2.2-5)

Paul continues to dismantle the justifications of the moral man by noting his agreement that God’s judgement is according to righteousness, but then asking, if that is so, how the moral man presumes to escape God’s judgement. Or, if that is not enough, does the moral man despise God’s goodness and forbearance, presuming it means he has already escaped judgement? God’s goodness and forbearance is intended to lead man to repentance – any rejection of God’s blessing only serves to further build up the moral man’s treasure … the wrath of God to be revealed in the day of wrath, the day of the revelation of God’s righteous judgement.

The call of this message is to those who think of themselves as ‘good guys’. The call is a call to repentance and faith in the only One who will enable escape from the wrath of God.

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