Archives for 8.20.08


Franklin Graham unhappy with movie about father

An article discusses an upcoming movie about Billy Graham. It has this interesting paragraph concerning Franklin Graham’s biggest objection to the movie:

A scene Franklin Graham found more “troublesome,” DeMoss said, was one he categorized as embellished. In it, Bob Jones Sr., then-president of fundamentalist Bob Jones College, tells young Billy Graham, a student who has questioned some of the school’s strict views, that he will never amount to anything. In the scene, darkness partly obscures the ranting Jones.

DeMoss said Franklin Graham felt that the scene “completely misrepresented Bob Jones” and has written a letter to Bob Jones III, now president of Bob Jones University, assuring him that “we didn’t collaborate on the film.”


UPDATE: Christianity Today weighs in with their own article.

its not just the old fundies who worry

Others are at it also: “An open letter to young Southern Baptists“.

What is with this?

  • Simple intergenerational angst, once known as “The Generation Gap”?
  • The Spirit of our Age?
  • The whole world has gone mad?

Personally, I’m opting for that last one.
