My on-line friend Tim Bayly alerts us to a conference called the Princeton Regional Conference on Reformed Theology. This will be held at Princeton Seminary, on All Saints Day, no less. [That would be Nov 1, for those who don’t know…]

Here’s Tim’s introductory paragraphs:

In a month and a half, Dr. Diane Langberg will be preaching at the Princeton Regional Conference on Reformed Theology co-sponsored by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and she’ll be sharing the conference pulpit with Don [Carson] and Al [Mohler]. This ought not to be, right? Who governs this national parachurch organization?

Among others, Bob, Lig, Al, John, C. J., Alistair, Mark, Phil, R. C., and Gene– you know, men we all know as stalwarts in the battle for orthodoxy. So why are they approving and publicizing on their web site a conference where a woman will preach to men? A conference on “reformed theology,” mind you.

Why, indeed. Could it be that these men are CINOs?

What, you may ask, is a CINO? You have no doubt heard of the term RINO? That’s a politician who is a Republican In Name Only. So a CINO would be a preacher who is a Complementarian In Name Only. A Complementarian is one who holds to the biblical view of male/female roles in church and home (and in society in general, although there is some divergence here). The term is kind of unwieldy and always needs explaining, so it has limited use, but the men mentioned at this conference and in the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals are (as far as I know) professing Complementarians.

I ask again, could it be that these men are CINOs?

Lest you think I am too harsh or critical in asking this question, you should first read my friend Tim’s post! Tim is an evangelical, we disagree at various points. Sometimes significantly. But he is fierce in the cause of God’s order in human relationships. And I would say he is right. So give his post a read.

But even more interesting to me is this question: Will the FINOs respond with letters and criticism directed at the CINOs?

Now who are the FINOs? I think you can figure that one out if you read me regularly.



  1. Nice Catch, Don.