Archives for 12.12.08

the mark of fundamentalism

I continue to delve into the DBTS theological journal and again commend the very first article in the first volume of the journal, The Self-Identity of Fundamentalism, by Roland McCune. I started reading the article last week. Recent ministry experiences brought the article to mind again, especially the section where Dr. McCune begins to write about the distinctive characteristic of Fundamentalism.

Militancy has been a defining characteristic of fundamentalism from the beginning. On that there is near unanimity of opinion.

Roland McCune, Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal Volume 1, 1:22 (Detroit Baptist Seminary, 1996; 2003).

This really is true. Fundamentalists declare it, their opponents discern and disparage it. I suppose that the opponents misunderstand it, but they do see it as perhaps the distinguishing mark of Fundamentalism.

Before we go further, perhaps a more thorough definition of militancy might help.

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