Archives for 3.15.09

3.15.09 gbcvic sermons

An excellent day today in our church. Here are the sermon links:

Every Mouth is Stopped (Rm 3.19)

The concluding verses of the ’sin section’ of Romans contains words reminiscent of a court-room setting. It as if the prosecution has completed its case. All eyes turn to the defence, but nothing can be said. Every mouth is stopped. The whole world is guilty before God.

Evolution and Origins (1) [Basic Theology]

We return to our survey of Ryrie’s Basic Theology with a look at the first part of his chapter on the doctrine of man. He begins the subject by dealing with the notion of evolution and some of the problems with the theory. Today we simply reviewed the definitions for the three possible alternatives: evolution, theistic evolution, and creationism.

Our Church, Your Lifestyle

What kind of life should Christians have? Our view is that Christians should pursue a simple Christian lifestyle that is conscious of the temporary nature of the world and eschews close association or familiarity with worldly things. Our church tries instead to encourage a biblically spiritual style of life.


We had several visitors today. One is a family that has begun attending recently. Three times in a row is encouraging! Another is a fellow who contacted me recently as a result of our Creation Seminar. It was great to see him in our services for the first time. And last, a fellow who has attended a couple of times in the last year and a half returned today. He told me that he has definitely repented of his sin and turned to Christ and would be back. He seemed to have a new light in his countenance, something that has never been there before. Praise the Lord!
