Archives for 6.11.09

items of interest

This week is one of those weeks… a mad dash up and down the Island with many activities and responsibilities. Monday we had a service in a local senior’s condominium. Tuesday we had our Mid-Week service with a trio from Crown College. Wednesday I met with one of our men and a new convert who he is helping get established in the faith. I was also up-Island to meet with a young couple to be married on Friday and met with a pastor friend, working on helping him get a life insurance company to pay out after his wife’s passing in March (we succeeded, praise the Lord!). Tonight we have a Bible-study in the home of some of our people who live 45 minutes up-Island from us. Tomorrow is the wedding I mentioned. And next week is Family Camp. so I have to really work on getting messages ready for two Sundays and for Camp.

Whew! Not complaining, I relish the activity. But I suspect I won’t be blogging a lot over the next few days.

Here are a few things that caught my eye. Some of them would be good for the illustration file:

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