6.14.09 gbcvic sermons

What about Abraham? [Romans]

Rm 4.1-3

The great doctrine of Roman’s is justification by faith. Today, we see Abraham’s testimony proving Paul’s proposition: the just shall live by faith alone. Abraham is the key example because of his position in the Scriptures and in the minds of the Jews. We see his testimony, and it settles the question. There is only one means by which a man may be justified, through faith, not of works.

Evangelizing Children (4) [Christian Home]

For our Bible Study session, we begin a discussion on the subject of Evangelizing Children. We are basing it on an article published by Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, CA. We have certain distinct differences with this ministry, but nevertheless find the materials they produce and the preaching ministry of their pastor, John MacArthur to be very beneficial.

The third session of our study looks at the last three foundational keys for evangelizing children.

Beloved Be Mindful [Growth]

2 Pt 3.1-2

Beloved be mindful! Be mindful of the Word! That is the first foundation of Christian growth we see in 2 Pt 3. Peter is very anxious that his readers wake up to this truth and own it for themselves. His ongoing ministry to us is the Word of God he and the other apostles left behind.


A good day in the Lord’s house. Some young families, younger couples looking us over. They don’t want to get burned, good for them! They are looking for a faithful Bible preaching church and are interested in what we are doing. Our hope is that young people like this will embrace the vision of what we are trying to build here so that we can expand our efforts by someday sponsoring a sister church in a neighbouring town. But one step at a time! This step looks encouraging so far.
