cornbread and caviar

I am reading Cornbread and Caviar: Reminiscences and Reflections by Bob Jones, Jr. I think this is the first time I have read it, though it was published during my last year working at the BJU Print Shop where I would have seen it as I ran the folders… maybe it came out after I left that year.

Reading it is like listening to Dr. Bob talk. Witty, erudite, bold, cultured, and ready to stand for the Lord.

Here is one paragraph that still rings true:

Of course, no man is a Fundamentalist unless he does fight for the Faith. I have never seen any reason to be in the camp if you are not there to join the battle. In the time of war, the only people around the camp who are not there to fight are the “camp followers” – male and female, and in either case they are a contemptible lot. ((Bob Jones, Cornbread and Caviar, p. 108.))

Some of the dangers we face are those times when no immediate war seems to be on the horizon. We can relax and grow soft or we can fight wars that don’t need to be fought with men who are not our enemies. We have a bit of both going on in fundamentalism in these days.

It would also be good to remember that there is always a war with the world, the flesh, and the devil.

I would recommend any young preacher read Cornbread and Caviar. Some things you might not understand because you may not be acquainted with all the history. But you will certainly get the spirit of a true fundamentalist.



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