Archives for 6.28.09

more on the FBF symposium

In my earlier assessment of the FBF National Conference, I posted the following in summary on the symposium session held on the last day of the conference:

Symposium – a good start. Maybe too long in defining terms, or too short a session. We need to have more on this line next year, to flesh out the FBF position more clearly. I thought most panel members acquitted themselves well. I’ll want to listen to this again and give some detailed analysis.

I’ve now listened twice. If any venue at the meeting had the potential for fireworks, this one did. I thought Dr. Vaughn did a good job conducting the session and several important subjects were addressed.

Of course, the announced subject was only all too briefly addressed, much to the disappointment of many. The subject, as I understood it, was Conservative Evangelicalism and Fundamentalist relationship with the same. Several observations come to mind:

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6.28.09 gbcvic sermons

Justifying the Ungodly [Romans]

Rm 4.5

A tremendous phrase is found in this text: ‘him who justifies the ungodly’. Justification by faith alone is the subject of Romans 4, but this phrase highlights the miracle of God’s grace in a magnificent way. It gives all the glory for justification to the one who justifies, because of who is justified (the ungodly!), because of how they are justified, and because of who is doing the justification. And the marvelous thing is that the one being justified cannot work because the work has been done. He just must believe in him who justifies the ungodly.

The Facets of Man (1) [Basic Theology]

In this lesson we discuss the spiritual nature of man. We discuss the basic difference between dichotomy and trichotomy and come out solidly in favour of the former. Man is both material and spiritual, but there is no real division in the spiritual realm between soul and spirit (or any other designations of the inner man).

Beloved Be Not Ignorant [Growth]

2 Pt 3.8-9

The word of God reveals the God of the word. He is unlike any god of men’s imagination. He is eternal. He is the creator. He is sovereign and supreme. He is the last judge. He is the one you must answer to. As such, your spiritual growth must begin in the word and must be toward the God of the word.