Archives for 9.20.09

9.20.09 gbcvic sermons

Our Faith Compared [Romans]

Rm 4.23-24

As Paul draws to the conclusion of his lengthy discussion of Abraham as the model of justifying faith, he underscores the fact that Christian faith corresponds exactly to Abraham’s faith in its effect (imputation) and its object (life from death). If we believe like Abraham, we will be justified like Abraham.

Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (3) [Basic Theology]

In this lesson we continue our look at our Lord’s teaching concerning sin. Our object in this chapter is to show Christ’s view of sin and to encourage the hearer to adopt the same view.

Charge Certain Men [1 Timothy]

1 Tim 1.3-4

Our second message in the Pastoral epistles looks at Paul’s first instructions to Timothy. In these instructions, Paul authorizes Timothy to command the teachers of the church concerning both ‘other-doctrine’ and ‘foolish doctrine’. These prohibited activities are at best distractions of the Christian faith and at worst distortions of the Christian faith. Their presence can utterly debilitate a local church.