1.31.10 gbcvic sermons

Our first message is the preached form of our Wed, Jan 20. It is the fruit of our pastors hospital stay last weekend.

Dwelling in the Shelter of the Almighty (Ps 91.1-16)


We continue with our look at Tyndale’s Prologue to Romans, 5th part, covering mostly his summary of Romans 7.

Tyndale on Romans (5)


Our afternoon service was occupied with our annual business meeting. We thank the Lord for a good year past and look forward to a good year coming. The Lord is doing some good things among us.



  1. I have been blessed by Bro. Don’s outlines these last few years, and have appreciated this series on the Psalms as well. This 2nd version was a tremendous blessing though. Perhaps because it was a little more indepth than the others – or because aspects of it were more personal and impressed themself upon me. Hope all is well with you now. God bless.

    • Thanks, bro. Jerry

      The whole experience was a blessing, really. A little scary at first (from the human perspective) but in the Lord’s hands the whole way through.

      Things are going quite well. I am not supposed to lift anything. Cheated a little today. But should be ok.

      Anyway, thanks for the comment. I do trust that the Lord might use this material in other hands as a blessing to more than our congregation.

      Don Johnson
      Jer 33.3