9.20.09 gbcvic sermons

Our Faith Compared [Romans]

Rm 4.23-24

As Paul draws to the conclusion of his lengthy discussion of Abraham as the model of justifying faith, he underscores the fact that Christian faith corresponds exactly to Abraham’s faith in its effect (imputation) and its object (life from death). If we believe like Abraham, we will be justified like Abraham.

Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (3) [Basic Theology]

In this lesson we continue our look at our Lord’s teaching concerning sin. Our object in this chapter is to show Christ’s view of sin and to encourage the hearer to adopt the same view.

Charge Certain Men [1 Timothy]

1 Tim 1.3-4

Our second message in the Pastoral epistles looks at Paul’s first instructions to Timothy. In these instructions, Paul authorizes Timothy to command the teachers of the church concerning both ‘other-doctrine’ and ‘foolish doctrine’. These prohibited activities are at best distractions of the Christian faith and at worst distortions of the Christian faith. Their presence can utterly debilitate a local church.

9.13.09 gbcvic sermons

Abraham’s Faith Described [Romans]

Rm 4.18-22

Our passage describes in very careful detail what made up Abraham’s faith, both in how it looked beyond the reality of Abraham’s physical circumstance and how it relied unwaveringly on the promise and word of the Living God. Saving faith parallels Abraham’s faith exactly, and it is this faith that is counted as righteousness by the One who Judges all souls.

Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (2) [Basic Theology]

Our lesson today continues our look at our Lord’s teaching concerning sin. In this section, we are going passage by passage through examples of specific sins our Lord condemns.

My Son Timothy [1 Timothy]

1 Tim 1.1-2

This afternoon we begin a look at the Pastoral Epistles with a biographical message about Timothy, Paul’s son in the faith. We consider the apostolic concern for the coming generation and apply it to our need to be concerned about the growth of our coming generations in the local church.


We had a good day in the services, but I was visited by a man before anyone else got there. He is going through some very deep waters and is a new believer. If you think of it, I would appreciate your prayers for him. He didn’t stay for the services and didn’t answer the door when I called after our afternoon service. I’ll be going back for another try later today.


9.6.09 gbcvic sermons

How is Abraham our Father? [Romans]

Rm 4.16-17

One of the themes of Romans 4 is Abraham as the father of the faithful. Today we embark on a section of the chapter that highlights the fatherhood of Abraham as the head of a column relying on the sure promise of God. Abraham viewed God as one who could bring life from the dead and the NT believer does also. Abraham viewed God as one who could call things that are not in existence as though they are in existence. In that number, all the believers in God’s promise stand. In point of Abraham’s time, they are yet to be. In the eternal mind of God, they are.

Christ’s Teaching Concerning Sin (1) [Basic Theology]

In this lesson, we look at some of Christ’s specific and pointed teaching concerning sin. Most of our time involved a look at the Lord’s rebuke of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in Mt 23. We also considered the Lord’s rebuke of sacrilege in the second cleansing of the temple in Mk 11.

The Death Penalty [Communion, Leviticus]

Lev 20

Today we look at Leviticus 20, a compendium of laws against idolatry and immorality where the dominant theme is the death penalty. As we consider these laws and God’s view of sin, we realize that Christ and his death on the cross become the death of all sin and open the door for even sinners such as those condemned by Lev 20 to find cleansing, sanctification, and justification in Christ (see 1 Cor 6.9-11).


8.23.09 gbcvic sermons

The Function of Law [Romans]

Rm 4.15

In this message we consider what it is the law does – it hems us in so we must turn to God. We are working on this proposition as the central idea of the message: The Law brings the individual to the crisis of conviction from which there is no way of escape except the grace of God.

The Biblical Concept of Sin (2) [Basic Theology]

In this lesson we conclude our look at the words used in the Bible for sin. From this we discuss a working definition of sin with a few additional comments worked in.

Facing the King of Heaven [Guest]
Rory Johnson

Dan 4

Our pastor’s son concludes his sermons for this summer with a biographical sermon on Nebuchadnezzar and his progress in knowing and submitting to God. All men must yield to the majesty and holiness of God. We should learn from Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation if we would escape similar lessons ourselves.

8.16.09 gbcvic sermons

The Works of Salvation [Romans]

Rm 4.14

Today we take a bit of digression from our exposition to consider a topic suggested by a footnote in William R. Newell’s commentary on Romans. Our verse says that if law-works were able to save, faith would be emptied of value and the promise of God ‘put out of work’. Newell comments that God hates works and calls on us to consider instead the work of Christ on our behalf.

Our message today compares the works men offer with the work Christ has done and yet will do. All that men offer … ritual, church attendance, offerings, good deeds to other men … compared to what Christ offers … incarnation, vicarious atonement, exaltation and post-resurrection ministry of intercession, redemption and more, and the yet future consummation of all things … which do you think is more effective at eternally redeeming souls?

The Biblical Concept of Sin (1) [Basic Theology]

In this session we turn from the doctrine of men to the doctrine of sin. We begin with a look at the biblical words used to describe sin. We covered the vocabulary of the Old Testament for sin and half of the New Testament vocabulary. The many words used to describe sin in the Bible give us a clear picture of what sort of corruption all men suffer under.

What Should You do with God’s Word?

Rory Johnson

Pr 3.1-12

Our pastor’s son preached a message on how to treat the Bible as more than a book of religious information. We need to remember the Word in our hearts, trust the Word in our daily lives and respond to the Word by living it out by acting on its precepts and commandments.


8.9.09 gbcvic sermons

Not Through Law [Romans]

Rm 4.13-16

Paul continues his proof of justification by faith by showing how law completely empties faith of any meaning and promise of any usefulness. Even more than that, if the inheritance of the world (the fullness of the promise to Abraham) can be attained by law, no one can attain it because the law only works wrath against such as us. Thank God salvation is by faith, that it might be all of grace and a sure guarantee for any one who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Testimony of God’s Mercy
    Rory Johnson

1 Tim 1.12-17

Our pastor’s son, Rory, is home for a few weeks after spending the summer as an intern at a church in Kansas. He is preaching the afternoon messages the Sundays he is home.

In this message, Rory looks at the testimony of the apostle Paul who experienced God’s mercy to be put in the ministry and in fact to be saved at all. The conclusion of the matter is all glory to God for his saving mercy and grace. His testimony is our example.


8.2.09 gbcvic sermons

Heir of the World [Romans]

Rm 4.13

We pause today for a look at one phrase, ‘heir of the world’. The phrase defines the content of the promise made to Abraham and his seed. But what exactly is this inheritance of the world? No explicit promise like this was ever given to Abraham. We trace through the Scriptures the development of the Abrahamic covenant in order to discover the nature of our inheritance and the motive of our current life in this world, where we eschew the world for reasons of a better world we will inherit by and by.

The Fall of Man (2) [Basic Theology]

In this session we discuss the process of man’s fall from his original state into sin and death.We consider the craftiness of the serpent, the deception of Eve, and the rebellion of Adam.

The Commandments Expanded [Communion, Leviticus]

Lev 19

Our chapter has four notable features including the theme verse of Leviticus, “Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.” The other features are a repetition or allusion to each of the ten commandments, the revelation of the second great commandment and the constant repetition of the phrase “I am the Lord (your God).” All of this emphasizes a deeper understanding of God’s law and nature and the demands it places on us in all of life for absolute holiness in imitation of our God.

We are conscious, still, of our inadequacy in this chapter. We need more. We can’t meet the standard. Thus, such a chapter about the holiness of God applied to life calls forth a memory of the holy condescension of our holy God in becoming a man, keeping the law even unto death on our behalf.


7.26.09 gbcvic sermons

Yesterday, it fell my lot to be driving teens back from camp in Alberta. I started out from my parents’ home at 3:15 am our time and arrived at my house at 9:15 pm. That’s 18 hours of almost continuous travel, just a few stops along the way. (And no speeding tickets, as one of my folks at church was quick to check.)

This seems to be part of the work in a small ministry – sometimes you put yourself into very demanding seasons of work for the sake of being a help to your people, especially when it comes to encouraging your teens.

And I offer the note as a bit of background for my ebbing energy level as the day progressed… Now for the summaries:

What Means This Sign? [Romans]

Rm 4.11-12

Our verses today are quite complicated – a sentence explaining the significance of Abraham’s circumcision and its blessing and example for those of us who follow him today.

The Fall of Man (1) [Basic Theology]

We begin a new topic of Bible Study today by introducing various views of the fall of man and by considering the state of man before the fall.

Add to your Faith [Growth]

2 Pt 1.5

A look at the idea of adding or supplying additional spiritual qualities in your life to that which brings spiritual life into existence, saving faith.


7.19.09 gbcvic sermons

Faith before Ritual [Romans]

Rm 4.9-10

Paul’s exposition of Gen 15.6 turns from justification by faith without works to justification by faith without circumcision. This argument is particularly devastating to the ritual-dependent nature of Judaism (and of Judaizers, see Galatians). The argument devastates the ritual-dependent misunderstanding of the Gospel by churches and Christians that practice infant baptism or even such things as ‘delayed infant baptism’ or the confidence placed in ‘go-forward invitations’. Salvation is by faith without works, especially religious works of ritual.

Facets of Man (4) [Basic Theology]

Today we finish this chapter of Ryrie’s Basic Theology. The lesson today is on the Mind and the Flesh, two aspects of our inner nature. As we bring the lesson to a conclusion, we get a mini-sermon on the new life in the Spirit vs. the old life of the flesh. A victorious inner life comes by a life walking ‘in the Spirit’. By this life we overcome the flesh.

Beloved Beware [Christian Growth]

2 Pt 3.17-18

Beloved, beware lest you be led away … Beloved beware for yourself. As we consider our Christian growth, we have to be aware and beware that the truth can be ‘put on the rack, and twisted’. Since this is true, we need to be aware and beware of movements in the church that would drag us away from truth and make us spiritually unstable. Instead, may we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. If that is our focus, we will be stable and unmoved by the winds of change that always threaten the Christian church.


I have to relate a little story from the end of our services today. We have two little fellows in the church about 6 years old. As they left the last service, one of them said to the other, “Man, we sat through the whole thing!” The other sagely replied, “Yep, we’re growing up.”

We all got quite a laugh out of that one.

Why would they think it is such an accomplishment to sit through ‘the whole thing’ when I am preaching? We wonders…


7.12.09 gbcvic sermons

How ‘No Works’ Works for You [Romans]

Rom 3.21-4.8

Our message is a summary of the section of Romans we have most recently covered in great detail. The one great theme of this passage is justification by faith alone, no works added. The purpose of this message is to tie all this teaching together with a particular emphasis on what faith without works means. All belief systems justify self on some basis – all but true Christianity do so on the basis of faith in works. Christianity is based on faith without works, or, perhaps better, faith in the works of Someone Else.

The Facets of Man (3) [Basic Theology]

We continue our discussion of the nature of man with a look today at the ‘heart’ and the ‘conscience’. What we are after is getting a grasp of how the Bible describes the inner man.

Beloved Be Diligent [Christian Growth]

2 Pt 3.14

“Beloved be diligent … of your Christian walk” – that is the theme of our message today. As we have been considering the ‘beloved be’s of 2 Peter 3’ we have seen the call to be mindful of the word so that we will not be ignorant of God, with the result that we will be diligent in our Christian walk, energetically pursuing holiness and godliness because the day of the Lord is approaching.