Comments on: on the ministry of the Holy Spirit fundamentalism by blunt instrument Thu, 28 Sep 2006 06:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Thu, 28 Sep 2006 06:21:00 +0000 Is perspicuity a doctrine? Yes, but it doesn’t mean that everything in the Bible is clear. An article on says this: “The doctrine of the perspicuity of scripture itself had arisen during the Reformation and the sense had always been that the salvific message of the Bible is clear, clear enough even for a child to grasp it.” []

Another comment on the same site: “The Reformers argued for the perspicuity of Scripture–that it was sufficiently clear to be a good guide in essential matters, such as the person of Christ, the Trinity, salvation.” []

The point is that not all the Bible is equally clear, but it is clear enough for the average sinner to see the truth of Christ and salvation in him alone.

I was thinking about your blog and got to thinking that in addition to what you had said there is also a misconception about the leadership of the Holy Spirit. God has not promised to lead us to perfection, he has called us to perfection. That includes our understanding.

I generally try to take the “I just feel led…” line out of the vocabulary of Christians justifying all kinds of weirdo ideas.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Kent Brandenburg Thu, 28 Sep 2006 05:13:00 +0000 Hey, I just read this. You have added a lot to the point I made on the blog. Of course, I thought the parable in Mark 4 gave an answer to the question. Seeing through the glass darkly resonated with me from your article. However, is perspecuity a doctrine? If it is plain, then it could be our own self-imposed darkness, sin-engendered.

Another thought is the container for truth—getting truth outside of the God-ordained venue, the church, results in it’s perversion.

Thanks for the thoughts.
