Archives for 2.22.08

a sad, sad, story

Christianity Today linked to An Atheist in the Pulpit from Psychology Today. It is lengthy, depressing, sad, and hopeless. It isn’t unfamiliar – many people, raised in Christian homes, or involved in Christian ministries of various kinds, make utter shipwrecks of their lives.

I can’t really say much about the article, but I think you should read it. This is the last paragraph:

When you’ve lost God, how do you fill the void?

“That’s what I’m wrestling with now,” says James McAllister. “I don’t have anyone to talk to in my heart. The prayers I used to say, I simply don’t bother anymore. I obviously regard prayer to be silly, even. But it was a comforting place that I could go. I’ve let that go. And there is a void. And hopefully it can be replaced just by appreciating being alive.”


are we in a slow earthquake?

An Associated Baptist Press article discusses the question “Will ‘evangelical center’ emerge to rival waning Christian Right?” The article notices the waning political effectiveness of the so-called Christian Right. A few quotes:

“The younger generation is definitely turned off to the culture-war mentality and all the anger,” he said. “They believe it violates the Spirit of Christ.”


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