choosing music in the Spirit

I’d like to commend an excellent post to you (as well as direct more attention to my missionary colleague and friend who wrote it).

Scott Dean serves in Mongolia and writes a blog about it. I am sure you might find things of interest to pray about if you subscribe to the feed. Scott also often inserts bits of things the Lord is teaching him. Today, Scott gave us an excellent post on how to choose good music …

Consider this:

Those actions that I take yielded to the Spirit naturally oppose or mortify the flesh – these actions cause the flesh to be suppressed (see Romans 8:13). However, actions that I take to please my old man naturally quench the Spirit reducing His promptings to my spirit.
This Biblical understanding of the opposition of the flesh to the Spirit has helped me as I make decisions about what music to listen to.

The post isn’t long, I recommend you read the whole thing. I think you will find it profitable.

Here is the link:

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