Comments on: more ‘dialogue’ sightings fundamentalism by blunt instrument Sun, 14 Dec 2008 23:18:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: ox Sun, 14 Dec 2008 23:18:21 +0000 Hey, Jerry, rant on, brother!

I think you are right on this one. You should expand this and make it a post on your own blog!

God bless and thanks for the good word.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Jerry Bouey Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:17:48 +0000 If I have a Biblically informed point of view and enter into a debate with someone holding a different point of view, my objective is to correct his thinking, not come to a mutual understanding.

It seems so many have cast off this purpose (of debating instead of dialoguing) and have gotten to the point where they seem to think of any view as valid – and even approve of completely opposing viewpoints. I used to do a lot of debating online – but it gets so discouraging when once-sound Forums or Discussion boards have gone by the way side – and truth is up for grabs. The man who stands up for the Scriptures is the one causing the division in the eyes of many.

I have seen some sites go more liberal and accept any doctrine – and others have gone so far to the opposite extreme that they become Baptist Briders and think there are no true Christians except those Baptists who can trace their church back throughout history. I am a die-hard Baptist, through and through – but God used me before I became a Baptist – and He has used many others (especially in past centuries when apostasy was not so prevalent) who were not Baptists.

I believe you can’t be saved without believing in the Fundamentals of the faith – but can be used of God without necessarily believing all the Baptist Distinctives (of course, how much more would God have used certain preachers/believers in the past if they clung to the Scriptures in all particulars!).

Another example is the Bible version issue. (I know we don’t see eye to eye here, though I respect your willingness to discuss the issues.) There are some that only believe the Word of God is inspired in the original and that God did not preserve the actual words of Scripture. Some go to one extreme and don’t believe in any Bible they can hold in their hands today (literally do not believe we can have God’s Word, except in the originals); whereas others go to some opposite Ruckmanesque extreme and believe that God reinspired the KJV translators and gave new revelation in 1611. Some KJVonly discussion boards basically accept ANYONE who holds to the KJV, regardless of doctrine or association (ie. some Church of Christ people are on there) – and the only thing taboo on there seems to be when doctrine comes up. What good is holding to the “right” Bible and still going to Hell?

It is disheartening to see so many professing Christians go to one or the other extreme (ie. liberal on doctrine and standards, or some radical exclusive position). Extremes don’t help anyone.

Sorry for my little rant of the day. ;)
