I’ve been blogging my old Church History class notes [minus the doodles] for a little while now. The next two sections concern new evangelicalism:
The Course of Neo-Evangelicalism
- Sellout of schools: Fuller Theological Seminary and Wheaton College [as examples]
- Emergence of honoured leaders:
Harold Ockenga
Carl Henry
Edward Carnell
Donald Ray Barnhouse
Vernon Grounds
Bernard Ramm
Alan Redpath - Emergence of Propaganda Vehicles
Christianity Today (an answer to the liberal Christian Century)
Christian Life
As I think about this section, I must not have fully understood the lecture, or else ‘sellout’ is my term. Fuller was created for the purpose of advancing the neo-evangelical cause. It has always been committed to a course of compromise, whereas Wheaton turned away from a more militant beginning to the position it holds today.
The next section is entitled
The Consequences of Neo-Evangelicalism
- Wresting of Scripture to fit practice
- The loss of the testimony of separation producing impotence and confusion [see my quote from R. Laird Harris in my previous post]
- The lending of Christian prestige to infidelity
- The realization of change in the eyes of the liberals
- The establishment of strange alliances
- Demand for clear identification by all fundamentalists of where they stand
That last point is the fallout among fundamentalists – are you with us or agin us. Clarity was essential, and fundamentalists demanded clarity.
I have a bit more of these notes to come.