Comments on: on things canuck-like fundamentalism by blunt instrument Wed, 21 May 2008 20:19:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Duncan Wed, 21 May 2008 20:19:54 +0000 If anything, Canada is less “not American” in its thinking today than it was in 1867.

The phrase “peace, order and good government” isn’t a popular retort to the American values, but actually our own statement of founding principles, first codified in the British North America Act, 1867. A generally-acknowledged motivation for the BNA Act in 1867 was a fear of absorption by the lately independent 13 colonies.

Canadians today live in a culture still distinct, but less isolated from our American neighbours. Few of us even remember the phrase “peace, order and good government,” actually, so we positively identify ourselves over a rapidly shrinking list of things: hockey, Tim Horton’s, cold weather, spellings, Thanksgiving in October, and hmm… other suggestions? Of course, even those positive identifiers have a negative twist ;)

By: ox Wed, 21 May 2008 14:56:07 +0000 Hi Frank

I don’t think the attitude is particularly more pronounced now than at other times in the past. Our politicians can use this mood to further their own ends and often do so.

Generally speaking, however, it is more of a general mindset. If you get talking to a Canadian about the differences, you will find that at some point the prejudice will be exposed. Even though I love America, my American wife and children, still their are points where I can’t help myself!

After all, the redcoats were the good guys, eh?

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Frank Sansone Wed, 21 May 2008 12:18:39 +0000 Don,

Thanks for your insight into these areas. I did not realize the extent of which Canada is concerned with being “not America,” but the comments the last few days have been illuminating in this regard.

I was wondering if this is something that you have observed a change in over the years. In other words, is Canada more “not American” today than it was when you were younger? And, if it the “not America” view is becoming more pronounced, do you think it is a steady progression due to the cultural differences – or do you think American politics plays into (or even causes) the level of “not America” feeling at any given time?

My only Canadian experience is from a honeymoon visit to Niagra and Toronto, etc. and from reading a bunch of Canadian prayer letters over the years.

Just curious,

