Archives for 9.16.08

positive article on A Beka from Jamaica

I ran across a write-up from the Jamaica Observer speaking of the virtues of the A Beka School Curriculum.

We have used the A Beka Video curriculum in our home for fifteen years (I think I have the number right!). We have been very pleased with it. The article speaks highly of many aspects of the curriculum while noting the controversy (from the secular point of view) of its view on science and history.

While some criticize fundamentalism for not publishing enough books, it seems to me that fundamentalism has had a much more practical and down-to-earth ministering orientation. As a result, what we have written is curricula, not theologica. Should we say that these efforts were wasted, and beneath us?

Thank God for A Beka Book and BJU Press. These have been vital ministries for our times. May God bless them and grant them continued success.
