Comments on: calvinistic secret society? UPDATE: nope fundamentalism by blunt instrument Thu, 16 Oct 2008 04:42:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: ox Thu, 16 Oct 2008 04:42:53 +0000 heh, heh… just the ones from the UK!

I don’t know, I had a bit of weird code I inadvertently pasted in. I had to call in my genius son to help me out. Maybe that was it.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Jonathan Hunt Wed, 15 Oct 2008 12:28:24 +0000 Actually I tried to check in for some days but your site wouldn’t let me leave a comment. Weird. Anti-calvinist software you have installed?

By: ox Wed, 15 Oct 2008 04:51:46 +0000 Hi Jonathan, I thought so!

Well, I hope I didn’t disturb you with my little tweaking there…

Glad to see you checking in.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Jonathan Hunt Tue, 14 Oct 2008 21:56:40 +0000 yeah, t’was me

By: Phillip Way Sun, 05 Oct 2008 16:43:49 +0000 Maranatha, indeed!!

Thanks for the update. :)

(and no offense was ever taken…..)


By: ox Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:26:08 +0000 Ahh…, I just checked your list and see which one of your contributors likely linked to me. I have enjoyed his personal blog for a while.

Thanks for coming by, all.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: ox Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:20:34 +0000 Hi Philip, thank you for checking in.

I appreciate the info, and hope you know I was just “pulling your chain”, so to speak. I can think of LOTS of reasons for people to have private fora!

I assume someone linked something I wrote (for good or ill) which brought a few of your fellows over for a visit.

I’ll check out your blog, but, alas, won’t be able to join your group, even if any of your people know me. I am ‘predestined’ to be only a One Point Calvinist!

Nevertheless, may the Lord bless each of you as you serve Him.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Phillip Way Sun, 05 Oct 2008 02:20:40 +0000 Greetings Don,

I am a member of the Spurgeon Underground Fellowship and do apologize for your mystification. Let me explain a little so that you and your readers might understand what the Spurgeon Underground Fellowship is – and what it is not.

It is a fellowship, plain and simple. There are a few guidelines (we shall correct the spelling) in order to encourage fellowship, accountability, and a Christ-like spirit. The fellowship exists in order for the members to build one another up in the Lord and His Word. All members are active in their local churches and most members are serving the church in ministry. We have pastors, missionaries, teachers, seminary students, evangelists, and those who participate in prison ministries. All are committed to the Lord, His Word, His church, and one another.

We are not a secret group. We have a public blog which displays posts from members and even has links to our own personal or ministry websites. You can visit it here: .

As part of our fellowship we do have a closed discussion forum. Why? Well, the internet provides many opportunites for building the Body of Christ and discipling one another. It also offers many snares and traps for those who may presume to be teachers. We chose to keep that part of our fellowship private so that we can share prayer requests, offer counsel, discuss points of theology, debate and disciple each other, and participate in personal accountability. These are things we would do in person – if we all lived in the same area. So we utilize this great tool to serve and sharpen one another.

One of the dangers of the internet can be the anonymity that one can find and act from without personal responsibility or accountability to God ordained authority in the church or even in the home. Because of this we decided early on to keep the forum private. We require that new members be nominated by a current member who knows that person, in person. That way each of us knows personally at least one other member and many of us have met many other members even though the fellowship stretches around the globe with members in several countries on several continents.

We are not a secret society, but a group of men committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of one another and throughout the world. We proclaim the gospel without distinction, in season and out.

Again, please check out our public blog. And may we all pause and thank God for the tools He has given us in this day and time to strengthen His church and sanctify His people – in public forums and in private.

Yours and His,

Phillip Way
