Archives for 3.7.09

it isn’t that there’s nothing to say…

But it is that we have been bone-crushingly weary, burdened with many responsibilities.

We have had a few things going on…

  • A trip to the USA for some of my family applying for passports
  • A trip to Alberta to aid my parents in dealing with some business matters
  • A funeral
  • Aiding another pastor (from out of town) whose wife is very ill in our hospital
  • Preparing for a Creation Seminar we are hosting tomorrow (see for details)
  • The normal stuff

And not to mention trying to keep up with the entire internet! (Well… the part we follow, anyway.

There are a number of interesting things to comment on, but they will have to wait for another day.

In the meantime, please pray for Pastor H and Mrs H, as you think of it. They are a faithful older couple, working on their last church plant. Mrs H is very very ill. We are much in prayer for her and for her husband.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3