Archives for March 2009

3.8.09 gbcvic sermons

As a Man Thinks (Rm 3.18)
depraved in every thought & impulse

Our message this morning focused on the simple text, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” This text is Paul’s final proof of man’s depravity, summing up all the rest. We can demonstrate this reality quite simply by taking examples from Scripture of people who had direct contact with God himself, yet acted fearlessly against God’s will. It is incredible that people with such experiences could do so, but their experience demonstrates the depth of depravity all men share. May God keep us a fearing people, ready to serve Him alone, not exalting our mind over his.

The Pilgrim’s Progress Page

We concluded our study of Pilgrim’s Progress with a testimony session where our people spoke about the themes, people, and places in Pilgrim’s Progress that meant the most to them. It was an encouraging time, but we had a recording malfunction and only got a bit of the session recorded. As a result we decided not to keep it.

Instead, we offer this post as a summary and link resource for all our Pilgrim’s Progress sessions.

Our Church, Your Ministry
(Heb 10.24-25; Eph 4.11-13, 16; 1 Cor 16.2; Jn 13.34-35)

Our message this afternoon focused on ‘every-member ministry’, but in the context of the covenant love that should characterize the local body of believers. This something we really try to emphasize in our church, with the goal of building a spiritual body among people of different ages, social/economic/ethnic backgrounds. We try to foster love for one another in our church, and we are sometimes successful!


it isn’t that there’s nothing to say…

But it is that we have been bone-crushingly weary, burdened with many responsibilities.

We have had a few things going on…

  • A trip to the USA for some of my family applying for passports
  • A trip to Alberta to aid my parents in dealing with some business matters
  • A funeral
  • Aiding another pastor (from out of town) whose wife is very ill in our hospital
  • Preparing for a Creation Seminar we are hosting tomorrow (see for details)
  • The normal stuff

And not to mention trying to keep up with the entire internet! (Well… the part we follow, anyway.

There are a number of interesting things to comment on, but they will have to wait for another day.

In the meantime, please pray for Pastor H and Mrs H, as you think of it. They are a faithful older couple, working on their last church plant. Mrs H is very very ill. We are much in prayer for her and for her husband.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

3.1.09 gbcvic sermons

Here are the blurbs from our church website:

As a Man Does (Rm 3.15-17)
depravity displayed by conduct

Our text is essentially a quotation from Isa 59.7-8, part of Paul’s proof of the proposition that all men are sinners in need of righteousness from God. These verses point to the violence and wickedness that are seen everywhere in the world. The violence of some men proves the depravity of all men because though all men are not as violent as they could be, all men are cut from the same cloth, all are of the same nature. Again our passage proves the need of all men for righteousness from God.

Pilgrim’s Progress (2): Entering the Celestial City

Our study of Pilgrim’s Progress comes to a close this week. We follow the pilgrims through the last period of danger, the Enchanted Grounds, then watch their sojourn in Beulah Land. It is from here that pilgrims are called to the Celestial City and we see  numbers of them called on to glory as Bunyan’s allegory closes. Next week we will have a testimony time for our folks to talk back to me about what the Lord taught them in this series.

He is Clean (Lev 14)

Our series in Leviticus takes us to the regulations for restoring a healed leper to the congregation. The ritual teaches us that access to God is available only under God’s terms, not man’s. It also makes a visual parable for us of the new birth, as the cleansed leper is covered by the blood of the sacrifice and sanctified by the oil of consecration.


We had a great day today, with most of our regulars in attendance plus five visitors.