Comments on: 7.26.09 gbcvic sermons fundamentalism by blunt instrument Tue, 28 Jul 2009 07:49:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: ox Tue, 28 Jul 2009 07:49:04 +0000 In reply to Frank Sansone.

Yes, one of these days…

There is no life like it, eh? I really have no desire for a mega-ministry. I have a few friends with big churches and I am glad for them. I am also glad it isn’t me.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Frank Sansone Tue, 28 Jul 2009 00:53:53 +0000 Don,

I just now got back from a trip taking our Junior young people to camp. Mine was unexpected, however. My wife was going to be taking them and my five year old daughter was going along for the ride. (It is about a 6 hour trip each way – although Mapquest says just over 5 hours, but I don’t think I have ever made it under 6 from here.) A long story short – my five year old starting throwing up in the van and I met them about an hour and half into the trip and traded vehicles and took the kids the rest of the way while Mommy came home with Bekah. Fun day.

One of the thoughts I have had (probably heard somewhere else) is that small church ministry tends to be magnified ministry.

When good things happen in a small church, the joy is magnified because everybody knows each other. (E.g. one of the kids at camp trust Christ for salvation and every body at church rejoices because they all know the child.) If the Lord works in a special way in the life of those teens you took to camp, you will probably be more aware of it and rejoice more in it than the pastor of a larger church who has delegated all things youth to his youth guy.

Likewise, the discouragement/difficulties tend to magnified in a small church ministry. (E.g. you lose one family in a small church and it is a much bigger deal than loosing one family in a larger church.)

One of these days, I plan on writing on this subject. (You know… one of these days.)

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone
