Comments on: fundamentalism-PLUS? fundamentalism by blunt instrument Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:25:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: ox Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:25:09 +0000 In reply to d4v34x.

d4, well, that rework was just for you anyway. I think my point is relatively clear. I think it is a legitimate question to raise and it is partly coupled with my knowledge of past history in the Great Lakes state.


To all:

I am back in my home town, I want to do a few errands for my mom around the house, then head back to the hospital in Edmonton tomorrow. I will not be able to get home for Sunday, our men will handle the services.

My dad is still not out of the woods. He still has a case of pneumonia, along with other chronic difficulties. Our prayer is that if the Lord intends to take my dad home that he would have the grace of a speedy and relatively painless exit, and if the Lord intends to leave my dad on earth for a bit longer that he would overcome this illness quickly with as little suffering as possible. He is in the Lord’s hands.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Andy Efting Fri, 15 Oct 2010 20:42:07 +0000 Don,

It’s a real blessing to have extra time with your Dad. You may or may not know that my Mom passed away last year. She is in heaven, and we are certainly happy about that, but those she left behind still miss her dearly.


By: d4v34x Fri, 15 Oct 2010 20:11:13 +0000 Don, your latest rework of the question undoes the power of the question.

There are people in the church I attend (which is not KJVO) that are KJVO. They are willing to cooperate with us and we with them, in the same local body.

My pastor is not a Calvinist. I am, more or less. He is very respectful when we discuss issues that tread close to soteriology, and I hope I follow his example as well as he leads in it.

I have no reason to think that Bauder, Doran, et al, will not similarly interact with men who believe differently about certain aspects of soteriology than they believe.

PS: Its not the evangelicalsm so much as the fully reformed thing that tempts. And that was 3/4 tongue in cheek anyway.

By: Roger Carlson Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:56:56 +0000 I have been to busy to be to any blogs since I posted. Don, glad to hear about your Dad.

By: ox Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:17:16 +0000 In reply to d4v34x.

To all

So my dad made it out of surgery this AM. We had two full days of waiting, no food for him till late in the day after surgery canceled. He is still a bit out of it from the anasthesia, but we made it past this hurdle. I was very afraid of him having a heart attack on the table. Of course, he would have then been in heaven… so I am a little conflicted! At any rate, he is still with us and the Lord has seen fit to let us have him a bit longer. I’ll write more on my dad when I get a minute, but I appreciate your prayers as we went through this hurdle.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming…

d4-Dave, I hear you wrt to Kent. I do have some friends who would describe themselves as KJO and are willing to cooperate across that divide, so let’s propose them as hosts. Of course, none are so imposing or as well known as Kent, but…

As to Keith’s tempting offer, the whole evangelical scene has its temptations. I wouldn’t have to become a Presby to get into much more well funded territory and still be a Baptist. But I have given my life to an entirely Fundamentalist philosophy. Too many irreconcilable differences with evangelicalism to move me enough to move there.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

By: Brian Ernsberger Thu, 14 Oct 2010 17:14:46 +0000 To Keith,
Personally, if Aaron’s question would have lead with either Baptist or Dispensation instead of Calvinism, yes, I would be bringing this up even though I am a Baptist and Dispensational. As has been said a couple of different times, not one of these three words have anything to do specifically with Biblical separation. Don’s premise is correct, is this Fundamentalism Plus?

By: Lou Martuneac Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:59:23 +0000 Roger:

You wrote, “Calvinism is not the main point of the conference, but some of our fundamental brothers would not go if they knew the bent of some of these men. ”

That is a fair assessment. It is because the 1) Calvinistic soteriology and 2) new direction toward evangelicalism of some of the speakers is known why many IFB brothers will not attend. It is primarily the latter, IMO.


By: d4v34x Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:40:12 +0000 On the other hand, some days an offer like Keith’s is awfully tempting.

By: d4v34x Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:36:35 +0000 Don, I’m praying for your Dad. Hope to hear good news soon.

The problem with your Kent B analogy is he actually seperates over false bibliology.

And as I note above (and in response to Lou) such Arminians as Sweatt and Johnson seem ready to leave an organizations that get “too Calvinist”.

If the Calvinists felt the same way (and my sense is they don’t– at least I don’t) what’s the difference?



By: Sam Hendrickson Thu, 14 Oct 2010 15:02:30 +0000 Don,
praying for your father and your family. Am chewing on your response…
