pin the tail on the fundamentalist

I’ve observed a phenomenon in the erstwhile fundamentalist blogosphere. It’s called the game of pin the tail on the fundamentalist. It’s played this way:

  1. Everybody plays with their eyes open (the better to seem sincere and disingenuous).
  2. The root philosophy of fundamentalism is described as having been taught to the player at some point in his training (whether accurately stated or no, it makes no difference).
  3. An error of some fundamentalist(s) is shown to contradict the root philosophy of fundamentalism, as described.
  4. Fundamentalists and fundamentalism is branded as being hypocritical and inconsistent.
  5. A cacophony of ‘Amens’ and ‘Spot Ons’ follow in the blogosphere, the voices of an aggrieved multitude, citing this cause as being responsible for turning off and turning away a cast of thousands.
  6. A comparison is sometimes made of evangelicals who don’t share that particular error, sung to the sound of the background chorus, ‘O, to be like thee’.
  7. All thus ‘pinned’ fundamentalists are expected to hang their heads in collective shame, resolving to be henceforward more like the sainted evangelicals whose errors are few and heights of God-centeredness are sublime.

The game is on right now at a blog post near you.

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Sermons uploaded Jan 17, 2010

We uploaded an old message from Dr. Monroe Parker, former director of Baptist World Mission when he preached for us February 24, 1991. The audio quality is not great, but we thought some might be interested in the message.

Ye Must be Born Again – Dr. Monroe Parker, Feb 24, 1991

Our Wednesday evening psalm last week is the only one by Moses in the Psalter. This psalm was paraphrased by Isaac Watts in the hymn from which we get the title for our lesson.

O God Our Help in Ages Past – Ps 90, Jan 13, 2010

Sunday Messages

Our message from Romans 5.9 challenges the hearer to view salvation from the wrath of God as not merely our ‘escape ticket’ from doom, but as a motivation to mortify the lusts of the flesh and put off the sins of the inner man.

Free from Wrath – Rom 5.9

We continue with our look at Tyndale’s introduction to Romans. In this lesson we look at Tyndale’s summary of the first six chapters of Romans.

Tyndale on Romans (4)

Our message from 1 Timothy challenges the believer to guard his good conscience in order to maintain his faith, part of successful Christian strategy in fighting the good fight.

War a Good Warfare – 1 Tim 1.18-20


We hope you enjoy these offerings.


Dr. Frank Garlock

This announcement appears on the front page of Majesty Music’s site:

****Dr. Frank Garlock went to Jacmel, Haiti last week to preach for the Missions for Haiti school and church. We have not had any communication from him or the missionaries since the earthquake occurred. Please pray with us that he is unharmed and that he can be a tremendous help and testimony to the Hatian people at this time. God is good and we trust Him.****

Follow the link to the Majesty site for updates.


what kind of ‘c’ are you?

Consider the word ‘conservative’. What does it mean?

Let’s try

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Masters on separation

Peter Masters has a little booklet called Stand for Truth. It is a good presentation of the basic arguments for the separatist point of view, first published in 1983, revised in 1996 and reprinted in 2009. I think it is worth your while.

Masters argues for secondary separation (he embraces the term) with the following points:

  1. Non-separators deal a terrible blow to the exclusive nature of the gospel.
  2. Non-separators help the devil to achieve one of his main objectives – to cause such confusion that the world no longer sees a distinctive, biblical Christian community standing clearly apart from Catholic and liberal error.
  3. Non-separators lower the guard of the people of God, exposing them to further infiltration by false believers and false doctrine.
  4. Non-separators encourage false teachers in their infidelity and sin, and so strengthen them in their work.

Scriptures cited in this section are 2 Jn 11, 2 Th 3.6, 14-15 with 2 Chr 18.3, 2 Chr 19.2 and Rev 18.4-5 added as illustrations.

The booklet is 36 pages long and sums up the doctrine of separation quite nicely. Masters deals with ten common objections at the end of the booklet.

I recommend it to you. We have ordered a number of copies for our church people.


Jan 10, 2010 Sermons

From our Romans series:

The Love of God Commended (Rm 5.7-8)

Our look at Tyndale’s introduction to Romans:

Tyndale on Romans (3)

From our series in 1 Timothy:

A Charge Committed (1 Tim 1.18)


Earlier in the week, our Wednesday PM look at the Psalms, Jan 6, 2010

The Meaning of Forever (Ps 89.1-52)

gbcvic Jan 3, 2010 Sermons

We resume our Romans series for the New Year:

Why Put Christ First? (Rm 5.6)

A continuing look at William Tyndale’s Prologue to Romans:

Tyndale on Romans (2)

Our monthly communion message out of Leviticus

An Acceptable Sacrifice (Lev 22.17-34)

persevering faith

One of the interminable theological debates is the source of faith. Some insist that faith is given by God. Others insist that faith is what a man does himself when he believes. I doubt very much that a blog post by me will bring this debate to any sort of resolution.

What I want to talk about, though, is something I heard in a recorded sermon preached by a friend of mine. He said something like this (loose paraphrase from memory):

God gives you faith. He gives it to you in such a way that genuine Christian faith will lead you to persevere in that faith. They won’t be able to burn it out of you, you will persevere to the end.

And such like…

Well. This raises some questions in my mind:

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well meaning error

A recent series of articles deals with the problem of error creeping into the church. First, an overview of ancient heresies is offered. Second, a modern error by an other-wise well-respected Bible teacher, Henry Morris, is highlighted. And third, an error by M. R. DeHaan with respect to the nature of Christ’s blood is exposed, with this comment:

Sadly, DeHaan’s views have had wide circulation among fundamentalists for the past five decades. Whatever one may believe about the present location of the blood of Christ, there can be no biblical retreat from the fact that Jesus’ blood was human blood.

One might suspect that the series of articles was written so that this statement could be uttered, but that might be seen as too cynical.

In any case, it is true that it seems very easy to slip into error when it comes to the person of Christ. These errors seem to come when, in our zeal to defend one area of biblical truth, we overstate the case and make an error in another area of biblical truth. And sometimes such errors come when, in our zeal for rhetorical flourish, we indulge too much in the speculative nature of things about which the Bible is silent. It seems that we would be safest by simply affirming ONLY what the Bible affirms and leaving speculation entirely aside.

For example, consider the following statement from the articles pointing out errors. Do you see anything wrong with it? Do any aspects of it make you a little uncomfortable?

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Sunday, Dec 27, 2009 Sermons

See our new Sermons Page for this Sunday’s Sermon Summaries.

The conclusion of our Christmas Series, The Word made Flesh:

The Word Received

Our first look at Tyndale’s Prologue to Romans:

Tyndale on Romans (1)

A message on Christian Living by our pastor’s son, Duncan Johnson:

The effects of the truth on Christians
