1.11.09 gbcvic sermons

NewsFlash!!! Christmas is over

And over it is, now, in our church. We complete our Christmas series a couple of Sunday’s late. It is fitting in a way as it is our last day with our boys as they head back to school tomorrow. We will enter another season of mourning without our lads in our household.

Nevertheless, we had a good day in the Lord’s house today and a great four weeks with the boys home.

I Am the Bright and Morning Star (Rev 22.16)

Our Christmas season is over as we look to the promise of the one who authenticates the Scriptures as true and reveals himself to be the bright hope of Scripture promise as the light of the bright and morning star.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Mercy goes with Christiana

The next look at the Pilgrim’s Progress finds Mercy and Christiana admitted into the way of salvation at the Wicket Gate. They learn a valuable lesson on prayer as they set out on their journey from that place.

Endurance in Trials (Jas 1.1-8, 12) · Rory Johnson

My son Rory, on his last day home for Christmas vacation gives us a good message from James on enduring trials and enduring faith. He closed with a clear call to the lost to join in the walk of faith that wholly depends on Christ alone for salvation.


persecution or good governance?

In Canada today, the biggest news story of the day is the arrest of two Mormons for polygamy. These men are the heads of rival factions among a Mormon sect in Bountiful, BC. There have been numerous stories about these men, their wives, their children, their feud, and on and on over the last few years. With the arrest of two of the principles yesterday, our news media has exploded with stories and opinion articles concerning the matter.

Google.ca news says there are 599 related articles when I clicked on this link, but once you arrive at the link, it says 89 related articles. I am not quite sure how that works, but the story is undeniably a big story here in Canada and is surely of interest around the world, especially in places where there are many Mormons.

One of the men arrested yesterday was on TV today claiming religious persecution. Now… is this religious persecution, or is this a matter of good governance?

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the most expensive books of 2008

Our own Victoria, BC’s ABEBooks.com posts a list of the most expensive sales through their system in 2008. The list is very interesting. The number one sale was for $17,216 for Etudes à l’Eau-Forte by Francis Seymour Haden. Number two was $13,000 for L’Abou Naddara, Journal Arabe Illustre (1878-1884) by James Sanua.

Now, what do you think was number three? Would you believe Harry Potter?

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a few snippets

A couple of recent articles of interest to me… on science and a startling admission, on culture, politics, Steynism, and a parallel in church circles, and on an interview with an alleged Anglican ‘conservative’.

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digging out – sermon summaries

We are behind the times in giving you our sermon summaries. This Christmas, we have been totally discombobulated by our weather. We still have close to a foot of snow lying around in our yard, though the roads are now clear… with spots of black ice in the mornings. We just don’t get weather like this here… usually.

I am also trying to install a new sermon publication plugin for our church site. It looks quite exciting, but we have something set wrong so it isn’t working yet. I spent a lot of time last week trying to get it working and didn’t publish last week’s summaries here as a result.

You can find the last two weeks of messages at these links:



We are continuing our Christmas series in the AM messages, inspired by the Moravian star. The 12/28 message has to do with Balaam’s prophecy of the star in Jacob. Today we look at the wise men, very likely knowledgeable of Balaam, his prophecy, and some of the other OT prophecies. Their lives were changed by seeking Christ.

The Moravian mission story was a prequel, leading up to our showing of First Fruits, a docu-drama of the first Moravian mission and the beginning of Protestant missions. It is a remarkable story. Today, we return to our study of Pilgrim’s Progress.

The afternoons were messages from my sons, first on the theme of finding complete satisfaction in Christ by Number One Son, Dunky-boy, and then this week on three truths revealed concerning forgiveness in Mt 18 by Number Two Son, Rory-O.


how well did you use your extra second?

From CTV:

And as it turns out, the global economy wasn’t the only thing to slow down in 2008, so too did the Earth’s rotation.

Perhaps you’ve heard already, but 2008 is the longest year in more than a decade. We had a leap day in February and a leap second last night. Did you notice?

More to the point… did you use your extra time well?

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the certainty of uncertainty

That would be the mark of neo-orthodoxy, I think. Or would it be the uncertainty of certainty? One can never tell.

This line illustrates what I mean:

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conversing with evangelicals – 2

I am writing in response to a series of posts by a pastor in Alberta (God’s country), Clint Humfrey. I like Clint because he is an Albertan, a cowboy, and a preacher of the Gospel (not necessarily in that order!). In my earlier post, I commented on the similarities between conservative evangelical frustration with the evangelical scene and the frustrations of early fundamentalists with the church of their day.

The concerns of current conservative evangelicals, though perhaps discouraging to them, are encouraging to today’s fundamentalists because we hope there might be a widening of the circle of faithful men of God as a result. This is at least part of the motivation behind the enthusiasm of ‘young fundamentalists’ for the conservative evangelical speakers and gatherings they talk so much about. (My concern with them is that they appear willing to discard fundamentalism in the process of forming a wider fellowship.)

With that in mind, then, for fundamentalists these concerns represent an opportunity for revitalizing the Bible believing church. That is why I am hopeful of conversations with evangelicals. Still, there are a number of hurdles to be overcome before any satisfactory new movement can emerge.

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conversing with evangelicals

In this space, we devote a good deal of attention towards the concerns of current fundamentalists, especially the concerns that stem from the push for a closer tie to ‘Conservative Evangelicals’ by some who call themselves Fundamentalists. Some would probably characterize my stance towards that proposal as wholly negative. That characterization would completely misunderstand my position. I am all for closer ties between conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists. But…

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a virtual service today

We are snowed out again. The main roads were clear, but our church is on an unplowed side street and our parking lot is buried. We have about a foot of snow. The mountain to the west (over which half our congregation drives) is a skating rink.

As an alternative, we held a small service in our home this afternoon with a few who were able to make it over. We recorded it (with an inferior microphone) but we offer it here so our folks can have a ‘virtual service’. Our daughter-in-law accompanies us on the violin, with a special of What Child is This as well.

Reactions to Christmas (Lk 2.15-20)

Our message is a brief meditation on the Christmas story and the five reactions we see to the announcement in this passage. We hope it is a blessing to you.
