Archives for 8.16.07

on the gospel

What does the word ‘gospel’ mean?

Here is Merriam-Webster OnLine

1 a often capitalized : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation b capitalized : one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; also : a similar apocryphal book c : an interpretation of the Christian message [the social gospel]
2 capitalized : a lection from one of the New Testament Gospels
3 : the message or teachings of a religious teacher
4 : something accepted or promoted as infallible truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine [took her words as gospel] [spreading the gospel of conservation — R. M. Hodesh]
5 : gospel music

Funny… to hear some bloggers talk you would think ‘gospel’ = ‘Calvinism’. Odd, eh?

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

Mennonites may flee Quebec town

Mennonites may flee Quebec town: “Mennonites may flee Quebec town”

A little disconcerting… What will be next in this most ‘tolerant’ of societies?

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3